Sunday, November 13, 2011

Playlist 12 November 2011

Moonblood - A Silent Dream of Impurity
Cult Of Daath - Temple of the Sadist
Deathspell Omega - The Victory of Impurity
Black Witchery - Summoning of Infernal Legions
Maniac Butcher - Znacni Mordove Se Deji...
Ondskapt - Dark Path
Sorhin - När Döden Sträcker Ut Sina Vingar
Gospel of the Horns - Slaves
Nifelheim - The Bestial Avenger
Watain - Opus Dei
Armagedda - Ændalykt
Nortt - Gravfred
Horna - Kirous Ja Malja
Nachtfalke - Praise the War
Chaos Omen - Glare As I Reveal
Mayhem - Anti
Paragon Belial - Necromancer
Gorgoroth - Prayer
Katharsis - Sinn Koronation
Necrophobic - The Tower
Clandestine Blaze - Possession of Nordic Blood
Sargeist - Empire of Suffering

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